The Adventures of Us
Enjoy our adventures below as we try to balance our lives between work, two kids, and ... relaxation.

Book Review – The Ride of a Lifetime

Disney – a fixture of many childhoods, but as I’ve grown older, I’ve been more impressed by their ability to tell branded stories and use technology to create amazing experiences. And now with kids, that experience has only grown. We recently went to…

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Five Great Work Things from 2022

Four years. And we’ve had quite a journey. Different positions, double the growth, and a variety of experiences: Awesome New Clients This year we had a great list of clients. From wonderful non-profits such as Nevada Community Action Association and the National WIC…

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Five Great Things from 2022

2022 was a year that focused on new adventures. With travel opening up and COVID becoming… common, life began to settle in new stages of normalcy. This year we were able to travel to new and familiar places, achieve major milestones, and enjoy…

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Audiobooks: 2022 Review

Bram Stoker’s Dracula I thought this was going to be an interesting listen. Why not listen to a classic piece of literature that may make my legs move a little faster… as I run through the night. I enjoy listening to some of…

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Book Review – The Good Dog Way

We were recommended this book by our dog trainer to help with our ongoing struggles with Mackay. He’s an anxietal pup who needs a lot of work. But, after seeing them train Mackay, I’m a believer. I’ve never seen such a change from…

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Book Review – Common Sense Investing

This book was recommended by Opa. I was looking for a new way to think about investing, so this book seemed like a good quick read. And that it was. It seemed to just re-emphasize the same point. Keep your money in index…

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Book Review – Build a Storybrand

A potential lead had discussed this book. They wanted to only hire agencies who subscribed to this book’s ideals. Well, I told them it wasn’t something we could commit to, but I was intrigued. I ended up buying the book, and it’s a…

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Five Great Things from 2021

2021 was filled with amazing milestones, sad and humbling losses, and ongoing determination and joy. And as we put 2021 to a close, it also allowed for time to reflect and pause on the things that truly matter. From family, companionship, health, laughing,…

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Five Great Work Things from 2021

And then we had three years at KPS3. Crazy how time flies. This year people got comfortable working from home. I got exposed a handful of times due to work. But we started to travel again and see clients, So, here we go:…

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Audiobooks: 2021 Review

13 Things Mentally Strong Parents Don’t Do Easwaran’s Gandhi’s Story

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A blog that's dedicated towards online marketing, sustainability, and, well, life as we know it.