Friday night was our monthly volunteer night for the Angel Kiss Foundation Kid’s Club. For the activity we had someone from Sierra Nevada Journeys come and teach us to make water rockets. Each volunteer had 5 kids and we had to figure out how to make the rockets with the supplies given to us. We got a water bottle, a plastic tube, string, tape, a piece of construction paper and a plastic bag.borocket2

My group consisted of 4 girls and one boy. Everyone in the group was really mellow and I pretty much just let each member do whatever they wanted. This worked out pretty well except when the youngest girl wanted to tie the string which turned into a big knot that took me quite a while to get undone.

Andy’s group had all girls and at one point I looked over and one of them was standing crying in a corner with her arms folded. I guess there were stronger personalities in his group.

Once the rockets were assembled we went outside to launch. It was actually pretty fun and the rockets shot off higher than I had expected!