This morning I woke up around 6am to this strange noise. At first I thought maybe the one of the cats was trapped in a room, but usually they will meow and scratch. This was more of scratching noise like the sound of branches getting blown across your window in a storm. I was still partially asleep, but decided to get up to see what the cats were doing. I opened the bedroom door and both Tink and Nema were staring at the furnace closet. Well apparently it wasn’t the cats. I sat there a minute to figure out what was going on and I heard the scrating noise again. “Oh my god, I think there is an animal stuck in the closet”. This woke Andy up and he said, “what are you taking about? Go back to bed”. I was scarred to open the door because I don’t know how any animal could get in there. I started to think that maybe a rat or something chewed it’s way throught the bottom screen. Andy still didn’t beleive me, opened the door and a bird flew out! It flew over to the window and got stuck between the window and blinds. Andy was able to grab it and set it free. The bird wasn’t injured or anything and we watched it fly away until we couldn’t see it anymore. Still not sure how the bird got in the closet, but needless to say it was an interested morning!