UPDATE: Contiki is suspending the voting right now. They are having MAJOR Facebook issues, so they’re going back to the drawing board. We’ll try again later!

Bridget and I signed up for a Facebook contest, held through Contiki Tours, to hopefully travel to New Zealand. If our bus gets the most “Likes” on Facebook, we win the trip!

So, to make this a win-win, we’ve decided to donate $1 for each “Like” we get to Heifer International. The non profit organization provides gifts of livestock and plants, as well as education in sustainable agriculture, to financially-disadvantaged families around the world. Heifer International works to ensure that the gift of each animal will eventually help an entire community to become self-sustaining.

We felt this organization, as responsible as it is, was a good fit to donate our funding towards. So, if we win, with every like, we promise to donate $1. 10 Likes = $10, 1,000 Likes = $1,000 donation. Help support the cause!

Thank you and happy “liking”!