Come one, Come all. Welcome to the 2nd (bi)Annual Northwest House Crawl
This past Friday we got back on track and had our second house crawl. We had our first crawl in 2008 in late December. We even had an ugly sweater theme as we traveled to our house, Rob and Shayna’s, Jason’s, Dinitia’s, and Joe and Kara’s which ended up in Beirut tournament.
This year had a very different route. We started at Lisa’s and enjoyed some cheesy bread and Tanger Bangers. We then took the vanpire back to Jason’s house. The vanpire was quite impressive – taking 13 people, including 3 kids. As Will Ferrell would say, “This thing isn’t quite street legal.”

When we got to Jason’s, he made some bruschetta snacks and had a John Daly, which was pretty dang good. We then got sidetracked watching drunk history on YouTube.

Those are quite amazing.

The next stop, our house. We made some mounds drink, mainly a white Russian, and had some bagel bites. Delicious. And then finally, ended up with a Gaedtke staple, Irish Car Bombs. Rob also put up his bring screen in the backyard where we watched Old School while eating popcorn and weiner wraps. Pretty awesome.

The night winded down pretty late, but overall it was a great time to have for our Northwest fools. And my favorite part was when we  rode our bikes back to Lisa’s house. And on the way, I hear Lisa yell “GATE!”. Rob’s bike missed the gate, but he didn’t miss the fall to the concrete from slamming on his brakes to avoid hitting the gate. The joy of dodging obstacles through Rancho at midnight.

Until next year!