As the summer comes to a close so does our garden. It got off to a good start with the indoor greenhouse even though the seeds got mixed up (bad kitties). There were a few things that I started noticing last year that became even more apparent this season.

The first is that we need more sun. But, in order for us to do this, we will have to move or garden or find different plants that require less sunlight. I vote for the latter at this point in time, but definitely want to have a large, lavish garden once we extend our fence out.

The second is that we need a drip system. It isn’t easy to get out there and water the garden every day. However, to do this, we first need an irrigation system. (This would also be nice to water the lawn automatically!)

Although we didn’t have the best garden, I still call it a success since we accomplished our goal set early in the season (for it to be better than last year’s). We even grew some stuff: strawberries, parsley, cucumbers, snap peas, cowpeas and some sort of white bean!
