This book  was staring at me in my bookcase. I had read this for a class in college, and at the time, I felt that it was a good read. So, I decided to run through it once again:

  • 1+1 = 3
    Consuming insight + Brand Insight = Sweet spot
  • 5th P of Marketing is Personalization
    Every sale is a personal sale
  • – People don’t buy 4 inch drill bits. They buy 4 inch holes.
  • – You don’t persuade people. They persuade themselves.
  • – When an idea or proposal doesn’t get adopted, it’s not always because it wasn’t good enough.More often, the author failed to understand the “client” who needed to buy it.
  • – Sales vs. Order Taking. Sales requires insight to be successful. “Salesman” though is a perceivedperson who has only self-interest. Good insight.

This books brings out the value of undersatnding your client, his product, and his customers. Who may find value? Why is it valued? What insigh is there? And then exploring the market indepthly. Who are they? What are their interests? Where do they frequent? Why would they want to purchase product? It goes back to the age old question: if a customer were to be confronted with your product and your competitors, why would they choose you?

This book completes this path for you to be able to grab the attention of those people.