Several people have asked me what my new years resolutions  are for this year. I had never really thought of doing any new years resolutions. The only new years resolution I had ever heard of was people trying to lose weight and I have see how that usually turns out. There are always tons of people at the gym the first two or maybe three months of the year and then they are gone until the next year when it starts all over again. I guess this gave me a negative association with new years resolutions and I didn’t want to set myself up for failure. After some thinking about it I realized that new years resolutions are actually a good thing. It’s similar to a bucket list, but in shorter portions. I decided to start small with a list that is easily attainable. In stead of setting a number resolution I went with “less” or “more.

1. Read more. This was tough last year with all the running, but it will be better this year. Plus I have a huge stack of books that I want to read!


2. Take more pictures. Last year we got a digital SLR camera and I now have no excuses not to take pictures. Andy has always complained that I need to take more and this year I’m not only going to take more pictures, but I’m going to take some really great pictures. Part two of this resolutions is to learn to be a better photographer!

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3. Do more strength and cross training. The injuries I suffered from last year may have been easily prevented with more strength training. I’m sure it will help to build up the muscles around my knees and feet, in addition to the core. So far I’m off to a great start on the strength training, but my IT-band has been bothering me on runs.

4. Think before I speak. Over new years Nagisa read our Chinese horoscopes. It is pulled up by gender, the date and year you are born. All she could say when she pulled mine up was, “Oh my…..oh my….oh my….oh my”. It basically said that I will get myself into trouble this year if I don’t think before I speak. I never thought this was a bad thing because I am always giving my honest opinion, but “these horoscopes are 2,000 years old” so I added it to the list.

5. Get some of the front yard landscaping done. We (as in Andy) have already broke ground (literally) on this project. We are getting a great deal on some pavers and have many busy weekends ahead of us to put it all together.

6. Eat even less meat and dairy. Now this doesn’t mean that I am going completely vegetarian or vegan (at least not yet), just trying to eat even less and explore more options. With this I also plan to cook more. Don’t worry Andy, you can still eat whatever you want!

7. Do some more interior decorating. This has fallen to the wayside with all the other projects (and the cost of course), but I still want to make the house more cozy. I am constantly looking on Craigslist for great deals on tables, rugs, desks, etc. with the hopes of finding a great deal. By the end of the year I hope to have some photos on the wall that I have taken from our trips this year as well as a new and improved office.

What are your new year’s resolutions?