Bridget and I have been prepping for Burning Man, especially over the past few weeks.

Lamp for Burning Man

We are doing a Narnia theme camp, which we’ve been prepping for over the past few months.

This beauty on the left came to us in March. Bridget and I went for a jog north of our house in the hills on a secluded street, and I found this lamp lying on the ground. Someone must have hit it with their car and knocked it down.  So… seeing this being a pristine opportunity for our lamp (and taking someone else’s garbage), we found our centerpiece. I built some support racks around the lamp to allow it to stand up on the playa. It’s a bit top heavy, so I’m hoping an eagle doesn’t come and perch on it. Okay… I’m actually hoping that happens.

I also bought a propane gas lamp that I can light and place at the top of the lamp. So this is our Narnian lamp. I have a bit more 21paint to put on the racks and add a bit more support to the rebar rack, but otherwise, the lamp is ready to go – all 12 feet of it.

We also have an ice castle that’s being built by Erron. He’s also built a sweet observation deck, which I attached below as well. I think he got busted by the State of California, asking him for his building permit.  Then he had to explain #bman09. It’s getting close, and we still have a few things to build. But I’m excited to see how everything turns out. Soon I’ll show you our “horses” that we’re making.