At the end of each year, I like to look back at some major projects that we launched over the past 12 months. Here’s the tops that I had the opportunity to have a part in.

wikipediazero Wikipedia Zero
Wikipedia Zero’s goal is to bring education to the world without cost. In third-world countries, Wikipedia partners with mobile services to allow free service to access Wikipedia for their customers – no data fees whatsoever.
We worked with Wikipedia to develop the user experience and design of the project for the mobile carriers. The designs were handed back to the Wikipedia team which will officially launch in 2015. The impact of the project rivaled Biolite from last year. It was such a great opportunity to be part of something with this type of impact.
haws Haws
Haws is an innovative company who first invented the drinking fountains and has been leading the industry of safety equipment. We worked with a very smart team at Haws to build their latest digital presence. The site included a responsive design, a dynamic product catalog, and a global framework
 queens Queens University of Charlotte
A great university nestled in Charlotte, North Carolina – our team worked with the university to build an interactive tour targeted towards potential students. The tour gave high school students a personalized virtual experience of the university based on their individual interests.  This site showcased the university and its unique offerings including its focus on semester abroad.
 century21 Century 21 YouTube Channel
People love interactive tours when they are looking for homes in their area. We worked with the C21 team to build an interactive map which showcased properties within their YouTube Channel. C21 uploads thousands of videos daily through 75 channels, which we then take and populate on a map. The app was a unique and fun way to find nearby homes.
 analytics A360 Sites and Analytics 
Autodesk’s software has built the world around us. Over the past few years, we’ve worked a division who is pioneering the future of Autodesk. A.360 bridges the Autodesk software from desktop and evolves it into the cloud. With them, we’ve launched two sites over the past year and have taken a deep look into how people are interacting with them to build better digital experiences.