Last Sunday was the 2nd Annual Reno Rock-n-River Half Marathon. On Saturday I created a new playlist on my i-pod, had a nice carbo load was ready to go. Woke up around 5:45am on Sunday to rain, a little wind and Andy reminding me that is was 45 degrees out. I got up, told myself that this is going to be fun, ate some oatmeal and headed out. We got downtown with just enough time to have a gel pack, put on my herbal pain reliever and stretch.

The race began at 7am under the arch and we were off down Virginia to 1st Street. The first half was great and the rain actually felt really good on my face. Once we hit the half way point out at Patagonia my i-pod died. At first I thought it was because of the rain, but found out later it was the battery. Andy was nice enough to switch me and I got to listen to his shuffle. I don’t know what I would have done without music and I’m pretty sure Andy thought I would have slowed down a little without it.

The trails were pretty wet and I stepped in a few puddles. The bottom of my pants were so soaked that my pants were falling down. I was still feeling pretty good and didn’t start getting tired until about mile 9. Apparently I was even looking tired because my mother-in-law saw me run in front of their house and said I looked exhausted (thanks Kathi). Once we crossed the river back to 1st Street I tried to pick it up a little and then got really excited when we crossed Arlington. Turning that left onto Virginia I thought the finish line was going to be right there, but it still looked so far away. I gave it all I had left and of course tried to run past Andy. I think he was onto me, not giving me the opportunity to pass. We had run for 1 hour, 54 minutes and 21 seconds. Our best time ever!

I’m pretty tired… I think I’ll go to bed now.